Wholesale Brokerage FAQ
Wholesale Auction Vehicle Brokerage Services
What does Willz auto brokerage do?
We source vehicles for our clients from a large variety of sources including previous client trades, manufacturer off-lease releases, web based retail platforms and international wholesale dealer-only auctions in Canada, the USA, and Europe. We use our professional analytical tools to locate the best car in the best market for you. We dispense with many of the costly services and amenities associated with the typical brick-and-mortar dealership by bringing the car you want and delivering it to where you need it, in an efficient, low hassle manner. We consistently put smiles on our client's faces with the great cars we put in their driveways.
How does the process work?
Our concept is modeled after the way a real estate or stock broker works. We start out by asking you what your needs are; manufacturer, style, colour preferences, transmission, mileage, options, etc.? What is your budget? Have you seen something that looks interesting that you want us to find for you? It's that simple. All you have to do is tell us what you want.
We will tailor a solution to your needs. We will research historic wholesale pricing and will suggest to you what any particular vehicle will sell for. We will present you with a list of suitable vehicles available from all of our sources. Perhaps a car in Montreal will sell for a good price, or an imported vehicle from Boston would do well if the Canadian dollar is strong. You choose which vehicle will best suit your needs from there.